Small Groups - Restorative Yin Yoga
Recharge your batteries & chill out with this weekly wind down.
Service Description
Chill out with this bedtime wind down. Moving through a restorative yin yoga class with a deep relaxation guided meditation and extended savasana. You will use bolsters to support your practice to find muscular release and restoration for both mind and body. Yin Yoga is a passive, non-ambitious practice, with long-held floor poses and deep attention to mindfulness and mindful breathing. It targets connective tissue and joints rather than muscles, gently encouraging a quiet internalised approach, making it an ideal class for recovery and rest. In Restorative Sessions, we also use props, such as bolsters, blocks, blankets, straps to fully let our bodies submerge into stillness. This class takes place on Tuesdays @ Livewell, Southsea Small Group Sessions: Each class is small, bespoke and semi-private, with a maximum of 5 students per class. This will really allow growth in your yoga practice, you can learn, develop and expand your yoga knowledge in a friendly and relaxed environment which can often feel lost in larger group gym classes. Due to the limited capacity of each class Yoga by Emily members receive priority class booking, however pay as you go members are always welcome. Drop in/Pay as you go: £9.50 Or take a look at the range of membership packages available for classes from £6.25
Contact Details
Live Well Southsea, Saint Vincent Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea, UK